There were numerous occasions when I felt that my breasts are not producing enough milk. Some of them were when -
- my baby became cranky after feeding for a while
- I tried to squeeze but nothing came out
- my baby was hungry every half an hour (specially during evenings)
- breast pump did not work or pumped very small amount of milk
- my breast suddenly went soft while feeding most of the times
- my baby would feed for more than half an hour , sometimes as long as 45 minutes
- my baby would take bottled milk or formula even after I fed her
- I did not feel the let-down sensation and my breasts stopped leaking
For example -
If the baby becomes cranky after feeding for a while it could be because of gas. The baby needs to held up and burped. I tried it and Behold... it worked!
I tried to squeeze but nothing came out - One of my friends told me that your milk may not show up if you squeeze it out yourself, but the baby's sucking reflex is such that they can suck it very well.
My baby was hungry every half an hour (specially during evenings) - A lot of a babies including mine want to be fed very frequently during evenings. One of the reason I figured out was because she wants to sleep for a longer duration at night so she is filling up her tummy accordingly. The other reason could be because the milk flow is slow during evenings as against mornings , babies keep sucking for a longer time or frequently.
Breast pump did not work or pumped very small amount of milk - With every mother it is a different experience. In the mornings I could pump 4-5 ounces but at other times of the day only a few drops. And then when my baby would start sucking, I could see milk dripping over her face. So breast pump can never really tell you if you are producing enough
My breast suddenly went soft while feeding most of the times - Breasts adjust to the milk supply once its established, so even if they go soft the milk is still there.
My baby would feed for more than half an hour , sometimes as long as 45 minutes - This could mean that the baby is very hungry or you may have a slow let down or the baby may just really be playing around or sucking passively rather than vigorously
My baby would take bottled milk or formula even after I fed her - Most babies would take bottled milk or formula after regular feedings but that doesn't always mean that they are hungry. A hungry baby would no doubt raise alarm and call for your attention so there is no need to worry.
I did not feel the let-down sensation and my breasts stopped leaking - A lot of mothers do not feel the let-down sensation and its normal as your breasts have adjusted themselves to the need to the baby's demand.
If you still feel that you have a low breast milk supply you can take measures to increase it by eating foods that increase breast milk supply or consulting a lactation consultant.